By purchasing any product from Ten·2·Ten Photography, you are consenting to our terms & conditions.
Downloading Terms
You will be sent an email within 5-10 minutes of your purchase with links to the product you have purchased. Downloads are limited to 3 times – it is your responsibility to ensure you have a backup copy of your purchase. You are responsible for using a valid and accurate email address to complete your purchase.
All sales subject to HST at a rate of 13%.
Permitted Usage
The user may integrate these products into their workflow, learn from the products and use them for their own growth as business owners and photographers. The user may not share this product with others, offer workshops or mentoring that are heavily based on the materials purchased or re-sell materials purchased.
Support + Contact
Limited technical support is available through All products have been tested for accuracy prior to launch and technical issues related to Ten·2·Ten Photography are not expected. Ten·2·Ten Photography reserves the right to contact you regarding the product you purchased.
Refund Policy
Due to the unique nature of the product, all sales are final. No refunds or credit available.
The user acknowledges that these are educational aids and cannot guarantee a change in booking rates, financial income or amount of clients associated with your business. As an educational tool, these information contained herein should only be a small part of your over all business plan.